Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A rare occasion.

It is about 9:30 at night and I have no homework to do. I cant recall any other night since I have been at Biola where I have felt this at ease. I'm sure there is something I can be working on to get ahead, but the beauty is I have nothing I need to do! Such a nice feeling. So anyways, like I said in my last couple of blogs... I'm at Biola. Let me tell you, junior college was a cake walk compared to this. Now I get why people would look at me crazy when I would say I'm taking 18 units this semester. And they are much more difficult than if I were taking 18 units at COC. Speaking of COC, I really miss my choir :( The only time I find myself belting out any music is when I drive myself home from school... oh how I value those times! I get some pretty interesting looks, but clearly, I do not care because I'm enjoying myself. Back to Biola though... I should mention that I live in Alpha, the only all girl dorm on campus. Yeah, I wasn't looking forward to it but I have to say that it really isn't that bad. My RA's are awesome and I absolutely adore my roommate, Sarah. We keep bonding more and more and she is so easy to live with. Such an awesome girl. She's a math major and I'm journalism so together we make up both sides of the brain and somehow it works :)Well I'm going to go find a TV show to watch online or something dare I say... fun/enjoyable?! Night ♥

*At Push Play's CD Release party a couple weekends ago at the Roxy*

*We also got to meet/talk with Phil Bensen. He's an awesome guy and incredibly talented*

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